Friday, May 8, 2009

Two days seems a little quick ...

So ... I'm home. And on Monday at like ... 5 in the morning, I'm leaving again. It's so weird, I don't really want to think about it. I went and watched a movie with my little brother tonight and I thought about all the people I won't get to watch movies with this summer ... sad. I know. Get over it, I'm going to Belize. But really, I'm going to miss home. A lot.

Beautiful women. I miss the craziness already. Well ... not quite. But I know I will as soon as I get on that plane. This semester was nuts, but it was made bareable knowing I would see you all at the end of the day and we could complain and/or laugh together. Micaela and Julia: enjoy your GLTs!! Megan and Rosy: enjoy being away from APU for quite a while ... I wish I could! and Ev: I will see you sooner than you know! Can't wait to live with you again!

APU friends:
You are all great! I know this last semester has been crazy busy so I didn't get to see a lot of you very much, if at all. But most of you are returning in the fall/spring, so we will be together again. Even if you're not coming back, we will NOT forget about each other and we WILL see each other in the future.

Gallup friends ... really more like family:
I miss ya, I miss ya, I really wanna kiss ya but I can't ... I love you all so much! I'm glad I got to see a few of your over spring break and hopefully I can catch some of you at the end of summer, but mostly I think I'll be saying see you at Christmas!! We will have a lot to catch up on ... :)

The real family:
Mom. Dad. Ben. Brian. I love you all. I will write and call as much as I can. As soon as I know my address for sure, I will let you know. I expect at least one letter this summer. Really, I will miss you all dearly -- but hey, with technology like it is, it will be like I'm right next to ya!

gossip girl ... psssshhh I wish!!


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