Monday, May 11, 2009

Welcome to Miami.

Don't you hate when you write out a long story, hit "publish" and then it disappears? That just happened.

Basically, I'm in a gigantic hotel room for free (two beds - anyone wanna stay the night with me in miami tonight?!) and just ate a huge dinner for free. On to the bad news: Dallas airport was shut down this morning for an hour. My flight from Albuquer to DFW was subsequently delayed an hour, but my connecting flight to Belize (that was already cutting it close for me to connect to) was only delayed half an hour. By the time I got off the plane in DFW, I had 10 minutes to make it to my plane. I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me, but I could not make it. So I was re-routed to Miami so I could get an earlier flight to Belize City tomorrow morning.

Biggest problem here: where is my bag?

Did it get left in Dallas? Did it make it onto the Belize flight this afternoon? Was it able to catch up with me and go to Miami? The baggage claim person I talked to told me that it was probably in Miami and would be on my flight to Belize in the morning. Just to be on the safe side, I'll probably go early tomorrow and see if I can locate it. Otherwise all I've got is a computer, two pairs of shorts, a dress and a shirt. All of my clothes, important documents, and books for school are in there. All I'm sayin -- it BEST be in Belize City tomorrow morning.

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